Le projet MILKEY


Système d'aide à la décision pour une production de lait durable et optimisée pour la réduction des GES dans les principales zones de production européennes


  • 2020-2023
  • 2 216 928 €
  • Coordinateur : Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (B. Amon, Coord.)
  • Contact SAS : Aurélie Wilfart
  • Axe de recherche SAS : Evaluation integrée
  • Site web
  • Mots-clés : production laitière, atténuation des GES, durabilité, système d'aide à la décision


Context and Objectives

European dairy production systems (DPS) face many challenges across the three pillars (3P) of sustainability. The MILKEY project will develop a holistic approach for achieving 3P sustainability of DPS targeted to key European regions. Greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation is a core aim of MILKEY, along with analysis of other environmental impacts and of economic and social factors that influence the functioning of this sector.

MILKEY will:

  • establish a unified analytical protocol to facilitate comparison and synthesis of GHG emission mitigation and sustainability assessments across the DPS case studies and key European regions.
  • use qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews with farmers and a variety of quantitative tools, such as life cycle assessment and economic-biophysical modelling.
  • focus on assessing 3P sustainability interactions and mitigation potentials for key European areas. It will assess flexible concepts for sustainable milk production and identify co-benefits and trade-offs.


The MILKEY projet will follow this workplan:


Expected results

MILKEY will approach the challenge of measuring and reporting actual reductions in GHG emissions by developing a biophysical-economic tool at the farm level that includes the necessary information about the most promising mitigation options for reporting purposes and makes them directly applicable to an individual farm.

SAS Staff Involved

Permanent staff: Aurélie Wilfart, Nouraya Akkal-Corfini
Non permanent staff: Vincent Baillet


Funding and Support

Laureate of the joint call of three ERA-NET projects (FACCE ERA-GAS, ERA-NET SusAn and ICT-AGRI 2) on novel technologies, solutions and systems to reduce GHG emissions in animal production systems.

For France, the funding agency is the French National Agency for Research (ANR).


Date de modification : 06 février 2023 | Date de création : 13 septembre 2021 | Rédaction : SAS